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If you have ever been to a concert, or have listened to any of the latest

you know that short intro music is becoming more and more popular. Some people argue it's just lazy musicians not wanting to put in the effort of coming up with an entire song for their performance. Others think that it adds something extra special to a live show because they can't hear all of the instruments as well as if there was no intro at all. In this blog post we will be discussing how short intros are making their way into concerts and what we need to consider when using them for our own performances.

What is your favorite song on their new album

Top intro songs for your playlist in 2021 will be different than they were in 2018. Some of the top albums coming out this year are from artists like Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry. What is your favorite song on their new album? Share with us in the comments!

If you're like me, then your mornings are probably spent looking

The right song to get you pumped up enough to start your day. Sometimes it takes a lot of digging on Spotify or YouTube before I find something that suits my mood. But what's even more difficult is finding an intro song that fits with the rest of my playlist. If this sounds like you, then read on!

Might you need a catchy jingle intro to your blog post? 

This article will be discussing how to create an engaging introduction paragraph for your blog posts. We'll be talking about what it takes in order to write an introduction that grabs the reader's attention and why it's important for them to read on.

Music is something that can be found in every culture

It's an important part of our lives and many people use it to help them through difficult times. Music has the power to make us feel happy, calm, or even sad depending on what we are listening to. It can act as a coping mechanism for all sorts of things like grief, anger, stress, etc. A person’s music taste is often who they really are so this blog post will provide some insight into how different types of music create different moods and feelings. 

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