The Best Crowdfunding Platforms Pick the Right One for Your Needs

Crowdfunding is a way of raising money from the public

Crowdfunding for business may be revolutionising the way businesses get money, but crowdfunding campaigns are nothing new. New crowdfunding platforms (see below) are allowing entrepreneurs to raise far more than ever before, but crowdfunding isn't just online.

As equity crowdfunding is one of the hot topics in the startup

I was fortunate enough to have the chance to interview Jeff Lynn, co-founder of equity crowdfunding platform Seedrs. Seedrs are one of only 4 equity crowdfunding platforms to have been fully authorised by the FCA and are now open for investment! The

Crowdfunding has been around for centuries

But was not often used because of the lack of technology.  However, with growing technologies crowdfunding is becoming a more popular alternative to bank financing and a good option for a quick injection of capital.  Crowdfunding seems to be a great way for new entrepreneurs to get their ideas off the ground

Crowdfunding has become a way of life for video game projects

With it becoming an increasingly popular option for kickstarting indie titles. There are some who swear by it while there are others that believe that crowdfunding is not always the best choice. As more and more developers turn to Kickstarter to crowdfund their games, we take a look at whether or

But the best crowdfunding site for you is dependent on several factors

We're living in a golden age of entrepreneurship and startup culture. Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo have made it easier than ever to bring an idea or project to life, by connecting creative people with willing investors.

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